
Why Won't Email Attachments Download On Iphone 6

Friday, August 23, 2019

Someone sent you an email containing an important file attachment. you tried to open the email on your iphone 7 through the mail app but for some reasons the attachment won’t open.. When i tap on attachments the icon switches to download, the 'wheel of doom' churns then i get the message: cannot download attachment? any help would be gratefully received.. Question: q: iphone 6 won't send emails with attachments so, i've had my iphone 6 for quite a while and besides the $200+ i've spend in repairing the thing i've been relatively pleased with it. i've never had this problem until recently..

When you try to open an email attachment on your iphone, the message might be not displayed if the message contains an attachment named windmail.dat. when someone sends an unsupported file, a plain text version of the file is created. however, in most cases, the plain text file won't decode the original file sent and display it properly..

why won't email attachments download on iphone 6

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