Learn how to use cpanel's file manager to upload and download files between your web site and computer with this detailed, step-by-step walkthrough of the entire process. Download file manager cpanel. While not as sophisticated as most ftp tools, file manager gives you all the basic functionality necessary to manage your site how to access the file manager to access the file manager click on the corresponding icon in the files section of your cpanel then you will be able to pick the directory for which to open file manager.
download file manager cpanel
To change the directory in which file manager opens, perform the following steps: click settings to open the preferences window select web root (public_html or www) for the most direct route to your files, or select another option to open the file manager interface in that directory. 3. pada bagian partial backups > download a home direcktory backup, silakan klik home directory. proses unduhan akan dimulai di sini. pilihan 3: manual website backup. untuk pilihan ini, anda harus menentukan letak file yang ingin anda backup ketika proses dimulai. 1. silakan login ke cpanel. 2. pada kolom files, silakan klik file manager. 3.. 3. the interface of file manager is divided into 4 sections: #1 the file manager toolbar #2 the file window #3 the navigation toolbar #4 current location window in the first section, you can find a toolbar with all the basic functions for managing files like create a new folder, delete a file, upload/download and much more..